Tuesday, October 26, 2010


This post is on behalf of my daughter. Of many of the tales she spins out for me, this is the most recent and I find it very very interesting. She narrated this one, yesterday while I was bathing her.

She started, “एक Heart-महल में एक रानी अकेली रहती थी । एक दिन उसे बहुत पेट में दर्द हुआ । डॉक्टर ने कहा कि पेट में बेबी है । फिर उसका पेट काटना पड़ा...”

By then I was wondering if the neighbours (if anybody overhearing us from their respective bathrooms) would be thinking. Since we stay in flats and our bathroom songs and tales are audible to other flat inmates too, from their bathrooms, it is not impossible that we were having eager listeners. ‘दीवारों के भी कान होते हैं...!’

She continued, “ ....फिर रानी के पेट से एक बच्चा आया, फिर और एक....फिर और एक....फिर 4...फिर 5,6,7,8,9 और 10 बच्चें निकले...! पर इतने बच्चों का ख्याल रखेंगे?”

And now do not miss the ending.

“..इसीलिए तो कहते हैं एक बेबी हो....जैसे हमारी है...”

I wonder from where she got these ideas but I am sure these are her ORIGINAL words. We have not talked about any ‘two-kids family' concept nor is she advocating ‘one girl child family’. Here was my daughter, sounding like a tele-ad for ‘family planning..’, and I just found it hilarious and amazing.

If only she knew, if we could afford, we would actually have loved to have ten children, ...why not !


  1. ha ha ha...you (Pakhi) made my day

  2. Yes Anindita. I wish we could also afford a dozen. My daughter when she was 6 once filled in a child sponsorship form in an ad for a NGO which had a little girl's picture on it. She cut it up and wrote out a letter saying "We would like this little girl for ourselves"

  3. Being only child,I think we should have only child(either son or daughter) as we can provide full luxaries to him/her.
